Local Law 33: energy efficiency scores & grade

Requires ENERGY grades based on Energy Efficiency and Water Usage to be posted on every building ove


• An “Energy Efficiency Grade” is determined by a building’s Energy Efficiency score, which is assigned through the benchmarking process (Local Law 84 & Local Law 133) in accordance with the NYC grading tool.

• NYC Buildings (on the Covered Buildings List) required to comply shall receive scores according to the following:

A= score is = or > than 85
B= score is = to or > than 70 but < than 84
C= score is = to or > than 55 but < than 69
D= score is = to or > than 1 but < than 54
F= not submitted

N= exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star program

• The energy label will include both a letter grade and the building's energy efficiency score.

• Within 30 days after the owner obtains his/her Energy Efficiency Grade, such owner must post the grade and the Energy Efficiency score upon the location near each public entrance to such buildings.